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How to import data into Reckon XPA
How to import data into Reckon XPA
Written by Michael Gannon
Updated over 6 years ago

Follow these steps to get your clients data into XPA.

  1. Login to Common Ledger, then choose your client from the Connected Companies List

  2. Go to the Mapping page and select the chart of accounts you wish to use in the chart drop-down box

  3. Check that the client chart has been fully mapped

  4. Go to the Status page and select the financial year that you would like the data for

  5. Select Download under Reckon APS (XPA). This file can be found in the downloads folder on your device

The second step is to import the data into Reckon XPA. To do this:

  1. Open XPA and select the client ledger

  2. Select Data Entry, then Transaction Imports

  3. Select Import Tab, then select Generic as the import type

  4. Select the Transaction Source file then locate the TXT file in your downloads folder

  5. Check the date range (adjust if necessary), then click Import

  6. Click Ok - No mapping selected

  7. If there are unknown account codes choose whether to add them to the general ledger

  8. Choose whether to delete the import file from the downloads folder

  9. To post unposted journals, go to Data Entry, then to Post Entries

  10. Make sure the period range ‘From’ date is changed to 1, then click Post, then Yes

  11. It will then ask you if you want to delete the transactions

  12. Once all the journals have been posted, you can run the trial balance

  13. Click on any amount to get the transactions

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