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How to download a Chart of Accounts from Sage HandiLedger
How to download a Chart of Accounts from Sage HandiLedger
Written by Michael Gannon
Updated over 6 years ago

Before you start, you need to decide upon a suitable Chart of Accounts - either a Master Chart of Accounts that will be used for multiple clients or a unique Chart of Accounts for one client. Once you have made that decision, follow through with these steps:

In HandiLedger:

  1. Select the entity that you would like to export a Chart of Accounts for

  2. Select Tools, then Export Data to an ASCII File

  3. Select BankLink Format Chart of Accounts

  4. A window will ask “Do you wish to export Chart of Accounts to an ASCII file?”. Select, Yes

  5. Sage HandiLedger exports this Chart of Accounts file to your C:\ Drive (the C:\ Drive is where HandiLedger has been installed). Either navigate to the C:\ Drive or search for “HSOFT” in your ‘My Computer’ window

  6. From HandiLedger, select Data, then Who, then your client’s actual HandiLedger Client Code (refer to the image below)

  7. Locate and Save the CHART.CSV file

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